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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tynge?

Tynge is a digital accessibility web app designed to improve the online experience for everyone, with or without common accessibility needs. The app allows users to understand and manipulate color properties, convert between different color models, and choose optimal design colors.

What features does Tynge offer?

Tynge offers a variety of features including a color contrast checker, common color name identification from images, color model converter, and a few other features some of which are currently under development.

Why is digital accessibility important?

Digital accessibility ensures that everyone, including individuals with common accessibility needs, can fully participate in the digital world. Many websites and online tools are not designed with accessibility in mind, making it difficult or impossible for some people to use them. Tynge's mission is to bridge this gap and create a more inclusive and accessible online environment.

How can I support Tynge?

There are two main ways you can support Tynge:

  1. Provide a feedback on how we can improve Tynge through the Feedback and Contact page. This helps us to continue to improve the products.
  2. Make a donation through the donation page. This helps in covering the cost of development and hosting.
We greatly appreciate any support you can provide as we continue to work towards creating a more accessible digital world for everyone.

How can I contact Tynge?

If you have any more questions, please contact us through the Feedback and Contact page or by email: info@tynge.app